Diffusion Models

Diffusion Models

Three speakers giving three distinct talks on Diffusion Models.

Evelyn J. Boettcher will give a high level talk on what diffusion models .

PhD student Daniel Brignac will do a deep dive on the math, followed up with

Wesley Giles giving a MLOPs example of how diffusion models are used.

What are Diffusion models.

Diffusion models are a type of generative AI model used to create new data, such as images or audio, from random noise:

  • Starting point: Begin with random noise.
  • Forward process: Gradually add noise to real data samples until they become indistinguishable from random noise.
  • Reverse process: Train a neural network to learn how to remove noise step-by-step.
  • Generation: To create new data, start with random noise and use the trained model to progressively remove noise, revealing a new, coherent sample.

Key points:

  • Diffusion models learn to denoise data
  • They work iteratively, making small improvements each step
  • The process mimics how information spreads or "diffuses" in nature
  • They've shown impressive results in image and audio generation
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