ML for defining communities

ML for defining communities

LangChain Example, by David Best:
Code For Dayton is using LangChain to make parsing SQL data easier. This is a work in development civic minded coding example to help the Dayton area communities understand how the properties in a specific area are changing. It uses LLM (Large Languages Models) to interface with SQL so that non technical people can interface with it. repo I used:

Future Topic ideas:

  • MLFlow: Brief overview what it is and why you should switch.
  • Multi Arm Bandit: Why and how you should be using this to design your experiments.
  • Data: Your algorithm is only as good as your data. DVA promises to help you keep track of any changes you made and when to your data. Does it live up to the hype? Is it really git for your data?
  • Training Techniques: Have you start using the classroom technique. What training techniques do you utilize.

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